the reen all rainbow

(set) the reen rainbow, as

limmy went often to the pray-box hall

it was a nice closet of a place

inside a larger cathedral was the little pray,


I liken it. People said, hey limmy do you always go there.

Yes; I said it’s like dead soap. You know soap in the state of dead. or LImmy said in a state of dead.

she asked for all the things in that there could be in the states of death; in the states of deaths.

she asked for all the things in that there could be in the states of non-existing; in the states of


she wondered what make up; what nail polish; even jewelry would look like as she climbed the way up or moved along the states of deaths; and states of non-existings. At the place there would a moment of freedom; she would be free like a wooden cabinet when it wasn’t being opened, closed; stared at; and even carved into farm. Except this point it would last past forever; taking forever with it; and karma would go away too; turning to something better; something more stable; something not-karma; she wondered what her dresses would look like with her green mermaidines in the states of deaths; and the states of non-existings. She knew it was an option for both those who had been slaughtered and those who hadn’t been; just the same; unlike the states of life; existence; and being; she knew the states of unbeing were even more-so; something to be with. Be with unbeing!

Her yellow opal almost orange but light that was her chain to unwind in her prayer-box

in that big cathedral all the place marked by the states of unbeing. so much to offer most with life never knew. except for one she was extra special more than the news and the epitome of gossip; she was just like Limmy; a she. a woman. Limmy wondered in dazed tongue if states of unbeing were also called states of unbeings. who knew; maybe she could call and ask.

outside the prayer-box an empty cover ; but you could read and even worship anything was a view of the hill with the small windows though they were broad; and the hill it was so green no-one could believe it so green it looked emerald; they called that a mermaid hill if you looked closely you could see mermaids coming into glow; and if you looked closely you could see non-mermaids coming into what was mermaid glow. Then that was how she would see her; her UnBeing UnBeing UnBeing. UnDeadedDead UnDeadedDead UnDeadedDead. UnExisting UnExisting UnExisting. Her, that person. Like Limmy.

That was it ; her house was called white cloak craven hill. It was white in color and shangly in nature; it was wide and tall; but there was only one way in; and the windows were all placed in states of unbeing. That was worth it.

/ <displace> reen rainbow, at measure (cited: ) spirit indestructible at (cited 🙂 dark magic pace (to correct and undo plagiarism)

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