Stage Me

[and also in this form: thumb’splatter]


The librarian is ragin’ at the thumb’s platter.

I love parens;

& she things her hare.

I see her in the morning in her real face; as a stinking but get this:

Fake/        homeless man.

He’s not even a real /   homeless man.

She grabs all the day as a man, and sticks her butt out.

&  eye; dream about smoking them more.

Nugget way, I just don’t have the time;

There’s a wack on the bus’s corner blocking people from getting on; and the fake cops stroke their dicks even the female ones; pretending they are the real deal. It’s like cooking with spices; she say, spices the black ladies laugh and I guffaw at the white men; who can’t control … race; it’s why I was born Asian. The tribal Indians wish it was what happened to them; but everybody knows the only people who have been stolen from and suffered; are the slaves. No it was us says thebus’s black driver; as a Cambodian man stutters about how Vietnam was about the wrong white people. We brought the right white man, here the American, I swear he says I drive busses, the Asian way means you gave him a chance, the black way says no we drive the bus, the white way says you look the other way; and the tribal indian way says it happened to us. That’s where you learned it. I have to tell you the truth: I HATE other races; it’s just eh the way I was raised. It’s gonna cost you more [in: general] if you are another race, from now on.  A Mexican man says to me you can’t be a pretty flower; it’s only the chicano chicks that are beautiful. I said you just contradicted yourself; and he sees what you’re chicano; no I say I’m educated that’s the contradiction; what am I he keeps going; you mean in general: I say, he says yeah: I say not Asian and not earned equivalent Asian: which means what, in a place a world h’were race as you decided rules all; you don’t have a place.

Next: his chicano “woman” pretends that she’s Asian now; she says her name is xiam tao; and I say those are French names; Asian names have long o-s and short a-s. Oooh As dun’nt sound nothing like xiam tao; it’s the white man, the wrong white man that’s spreading those lies says the Cambodian bus driver; I’m channeling my name he says to xiam tao 2; you can’t says the chicano man, that’s plagiarism!

I say it’s only plagiarism if God says so.

Who’s God says the Cambodian man.

The chicano “couple” laugh capsule.

I say you mean you lived your whole lives white-out knowing which One is God.

He says, yay. Yay.

It’s me I say. And not’s that plagiarism for you.

The chicano couple laugh loudly, she says she’s God, ha-ha, ha,ha

I copy their laugh, ha-ha-hah

The first rule of being God-The Center Flower: is mimicry so you really know what you are. What you can’t quill to stand.

Part Two. Just when you thought I won an Award. Did I win: A: ward.

I’m also a cop I say to the Cambodian Bus Driver.

Really he says, I heard there was an Asian female cop in this area who can’t carry a gun due to enslavement at the order of racism

Yeah, I say that’s me

He says congratulations, He says you never can tell nay more who is Asian, they say it’s because the boogie man absorbs all racism

Thank You I say and that’s me too I say

I bat my I-s away. [To keep him safe]

Sum: Tim’s I wonder if this is even; and a paper flyer, fiction.


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